Saturday, 19 March 2016

Hopelessly underprepared.

It's time for the Run For The Kids again. It seems to come around more quickly every year, but the fact that it also seems longer, is a reality. It's managed to sneak up from abut 13km when it started  to 16km!

Here's Elle and I from last year - or the year before - it's all a blur. But I think this year will the most memorable as my training has been less than exemplary.

I have been walking a lot - most mornings for an hour - and running once a week or two. Let's see how that works shall we??

I was lamenting this my sister-in-law who reminded me that some years ago, she shot out of the blocks of the 5km course with great gusto but quickly descended into an injured limp. Afterwards, she popped up the the Royal Children's Hospital (coincidentally the beneficiary of this run) to see George. 
Are you alright, KB? He inquired. You seem to be struggling.
He always was perceptive!

So slack have I been, that I've barely put out the call for team members. I'm not even going to disgrace George and Jaz by wearing their T-shirt. Anonymous black will do it. There's absolutely no need to draw attention to myself!

Anyway, as I see it, every minute that passes is a minute closer to it.... being over!!


Unknown said...

but do you know what Sue? you're showing up and doing it and that's a lot more than most other people ! go team x

Unknown said...

but do you know what Sue? you're showing up and doing it and that's a lot more than most other people ! go team x

Mother Who Works said...

True Lars!

Camping People - 2022

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