Monday 8 June 2015

I See You!!!

As you know, I can see it all from my desk at home. The people having the affair, the couple fighting.

In fact, it prompted my friend DC to shoot me these pics!

So, there I was this afternoon, tapping away at my desk when I glanced up and noticed a large black dog laying a steaming turd on our nature strip! 

I've posted about that too. 

And I am so sick of it!

I peered out and no owner was to be seen as the dog crouched and strained, strained and crouched.

But I figured it wasn't alone.

I dashed out of the house, inspected the evidence and spotted it, being muzzled by its owner outside the cafe on our corner. Well within viewing distance. She knew. By god, she knew. 

I trotted up but she had darted in to order her coffee. I wasn't perturbed.

I approached her in the line and tried to be at my most friendly:
Excuse me... I said, sweetly that your dog outside? 
Yes! She said, face lighting up with joy, pride and the clear expectation of some forthcoming compliment.
It's actually left a huge poo on the nature strip outside our house... next door.... I pointed.

Her face fell and at least she had the decency to look mildly ashamed - at being caught. She hastily rearranged her features in a quick attempt to look surprised.
Oh!! Oh... I'll come back and get it.
Thanks. I said flatly, turning on my heel and flouncing out. (BTW - you can absolutely 'flounce' when you're wearing a white feather bolero and ridiculously high over-the-knee boots - trust me!)

She did come back. I spied her through the shrubbery.....

Back to the chili flake deterrent I think.

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