Sunday 29 March 2015


I've posted before about the increasing emphasis and importance of mindfulness, but now I'm bucking the trend and saluting mindlessness!

There are some very legitimate occasions to be mindless. One being a very long run.

Last week, about 40 or so members of the George & Jaz Forever Young team did the Run for the Kids, opting for either the 15.5km or 5.5km course.

I did the 15.5 and must say that much of it was spent in a state of meditation - or, in truth, mindlessness.

And it's not bad!

Before the run

There was a few nights after my course that I came home and watched The Real Housewives of Melbourne. That counts too.
Why are you watching that crap? Geoff asked.
It's like junk food for my brain, I replied.

I'm sure there are moments when you too choose mindlessness over mindfulness - I'd love you to share them!

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