Thursday, 13 January 2011

Store Checks

As part of my job, I do what’s called a ‘store check’. Where we pretend, during work hours, to be regular shoppers (because we not when we’re not at work??)  and go out to observe and look at stores ‘from a consumer’s perspective.’

Yesterday, a couple of my team mates and I launched ourselves on a hardware warehouse. As a Cub Scout Leader, I’m no stranger to this large establishment. I’ve bought worms and spray paint and wheel measurers and all sorts of stuff. I’ve even been there for their ‘Build Dad a Tool Box for Father’s Day’ session. But yesterday, we were like fish flapping around on a wharf.

I don’t know what it is, but three blondes in high heels in a massive hardware store do not blend in.

Only slightly worse was my check on a shopping centre in an outer suburban area. It was only that I suddenly found I had a couple of free hours, but I really should have re-thought the excursion based on my outfit. Okay, it was a couple of years back, but the corporate shorts with fishnet tights and knee high boots did NOT blend in there either.

On my second lap of the health and beauty aisle, I could see staff at a nearby bakery looking and pointing and whispering. I was waiting for the call over the supermarket loudspeaker:
“Security alert: hooker aisle two, hooker aisle two!”

Perhaps a bit of forward thinking and outfit planning might be in order…

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