Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Four Years Ago Today...

... our beautiful daughter Jaz left us, aged 14 years and 23 days. 

And coincidentally, here's an email my friend Annie, who now lives in Paris, sent me last week.

Ok. So here is my dream last night.

I was at a party.  It was special invitation and I had to be prepared to swear that if went I would tell no one.
I said yes.
They gave me this gorgeous gold dress to wear. (pleated, fabulouswith matching tap dancing shoes)
The party was full of people I recognised but did not know buteveryone was being very friendly.
This gorgeous young woman came up to me and introduced herself, a kiss to each cheek, and said she was Jaz. She had a fabulous suntan, her skin had golden flecks , hair was thick and to her waist, she was wearing silver hot pants and these fabulous silver boots with killer heels. She was telling me about the family with details on daily activities and laughing because you were teaching Elle to drive but
Elle had refused to do any more lessons with you. And Geoff had built a secret passage way that everyone knew about except you !!!

Then other people came up congratulating Jaz on the evening  - apparently she had arranged the whole event, music, decoration, food.....the food she had actually cooked.  And the food had been created by her by asking everyone to send over everything they had in their fridge they were not going to eat.......except the food was delicate and delicious and good looking. Far from leftovers.  And
everyone was being sprayed with perfume made from the sauce...but it was divine.

The dream finished because some film crew "broke in" to interview people and Jaz closed the doors.  I was trying to find someone who could tell me the time cos I was meant to be meeting Roger....I woke

Thought I had to share it with you.  It was a scene of intense calm, happiness and life !


The Mother Load (Australia) said...

What a beautiful post, Sue and so special of your friend to share. Thinking of you and your family today.

Mother Who Works said...

Thanks ML. It sucks. I wish I'd had that dream.... I still miss Jaz - and her brother George who left us just 7 months ago, aged 19 years - every single day. MWWx

Mother of a Man-Child said...

Thinking of you all MWW. I still vividly recall the text message we received 4 years ago, and the overwhelming feeling of loss and sadness. I can only imagine the depth of your grief every day. Love and hugs.

Mother Who Works said...

Thanks MMC. MWWx

JayBee said...

Love to you all MWW and thinking of you and the beautiful Jaz who is most certainly with the angels.

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