And he was completely serious.
At that time, I didn't have the fortune of having had four kids to go with my state of full-time employment, but even back then I did still have enough sense to realise that statement was sheer crap.
And, unusually for me, I managed not to say what was running through my head - which I did recognise may have been career debilitating. So I just nodded and muttered 'okay'. A tactic I often use to indicate I have heard what the other person is saying, I am acknowledging they have said something - but I am not necessarily agreeing with it. Even though they often interpret it that way.
What I was thinking was, that there must be some poor woman in Somalia, with six young kids, nowhere to go, no-one to help her, with no food or shelter for her children and in fear of the warring faction who most likely made her a widow. And I was also wondering how her stress levels would stack up against my boss's Porsche-driving, lovely period-home-living, dinner-party and fancy-restaurant-eating life woes?
Talk about #firstworldproblem.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate we all have stresses. I just find it hard to maintain my veneer of charm when I hear people complaining about the most trivial aspects of their predominantly privileged and comfortable lives. Again, if I said out loud what I was thinking, I'd be suggesting they watch more SBS television and get a perspective of what's going on in the real world before they bang on about the stress and inconvenience of their BMW being kept in the workshop for an extra day.
Recently I've pondered what would be the percentage of the world's population who live lives like ours? Where all our basic needs are met and we can indulge in the finer aspects of life - the arts, travel, fashion, comfort and luxury. Maybe 5%? Maybe less.
If you haven't seen the somewhat disturbing video on wealth distribution in the States, here it is for your viewing 'pleasure'. Maybe that stat is more like 2%....
Anyway.... have you spotted the contradiction yet? That's right, I'm complaining about people complaining!! But hopefully thought provoking never the less.
thought provoking indeed
I'm speechless....
That's basically the premise of the Occupy Wall Street protests which started in 2011.
It is - and simultaneously disturbing JB, because the imbalance is getting worse. Think it must nealy be time for another drink, don't you? MWWx
Which bit Kaye?? There's so much that leaves me speechless too.... peeps in advertising who think they're stressed, the actual wealth distribution in the US (and here)? MWWx
And rightly so. Because this inequity has been facilitated by government policy and nepotism. MWWxx
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