Thursday 30 August 2012

Still Mother Who Works

(Very hard to follow my last post - the most popular ever. But here goes...)

Although I may not have an office to go to, I think I still absolutely qualify as being MWW.

Geoff reckons that since I've left the big corporate world of multi-national advertising agencies and am now doing my own thing at the kitchen table, I'm no longer working 5 ridiculously long days in a week - I'm doing 7.

So, thinking about my status as MWW, I have uncovered the following evidence:
- I sill have the cleaners (looking for this link I also found the post Anal - which may have relevance to last week after all!!)
- I only just found out where Sass's class room is - after I missed my appointed Parent/Teacher meeting and had to schedule a bespoke appointment. It wasn't anywhere near where I thought it was - I was poking around the Prep class rooms, having completely forgotten she's now in Grade 1
- I was endeavouring to get Eleanor to make her own doctors appointment and go by herself about a strange lump on her ear. I thought texting her the number for clinic was very helpful of me! And frankly, I don't have time.
- The house still isn't tidy
- Toast is still a regular dinner

On the upside of the equation, I am:
- Getting to swimming lessons with Sass - weekly
- Cooking dinner at least twice a week - sometimes more!
- Getting jobs done during the week, like Telstra, the bank, the watch maker - but not the supermarket...

So.... I think can continue to claim my title of MWW - don't you?

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