Monday, 12 February 2018

New Year's resolution

I don't go in for them myself, but clearly others do.

How do I know this? Because since the start of the year, the gym has been packed - and I mean, PACKED! I can barely carve out enough space in a Pump Class to execute a lunge and have to take care not to smack the people around me with the bar of weights.

It wasn't like this when I joined - in August. Yes, it was busy, but this has gone to a whole new level.

There's a 'token' system that I'd never seen before where you pick up one of a limited number of laminated cards to secure your place in the class and - I assumed - ensure it's not overcrowded and there are enough mats and weights and whatever for everyone. Not so.

The other morning, while awaiting a class, I noticed others had the tokens, and I didn't. Whoops! I ran back to the desk and asked if there were any left. No, I was told, but just go on in and see if you can get a space.

There wasn't even any prioritisation for those with tokens - it was free for all! Maybe they don't want to disappoint people?

Eleanor assures me it will drop off as the weeks go by and that by Easter, it should be back to normal.

Not to be discouraging, but I do wish they'd hurry up and let it go - now!!

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