Thursday, 21 November 2013

Dare to poo on my nature strip!!!

I have had it up to pussy's bow with dog owners allowing their dogs not only to crap on our nature strip, but not even bothering to pick it up. My apologies to the dogs. I'd sprinkle this up your owner's nose if I could.

I'll get back to you on the results.



Anonymous said...

This approach works a treat (at least with cats). Had a male cat with way too much testosterone coursing through his catly veins and spraying on our front door. The stink was amazing! Put out some leftover chicken bits n pieces totally impregrated with chilli... no more visits from the he cat

Mother Who Works said...

I like your thinking!! We've also had stinky cat problems so I'll keep that one up my sleeve. A better option to when Geoff used to get up in the middle of the night and chuck a bucket of water on the neighbours cat that used to sit and yeowl at the front door - and then we inherited him!!! MWWx

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