Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Despite working in advertising, where our job is to drive consumers to consume, I do worry about excessive consumption. Australian’s spend $10.5 billion a year on food we don’t eat, CDs we don’t listen to, clothes we don’t wear and books we don’t read. That’s $1,200 per household.  Clive Hamilton dubs this ‘unethical consumption’ in his book Requiem For A Species.

We’re certainly (and sadly) no exception, but I try really, really hard not to waste food as I consider it the most unethical. An unworn dress can be donated to charity to be cherished and worn by someone else, but uneaten food – especially if it goes into landfill instead of compost, just creates, well, more landfill.

If you think of the resources used to produce food – water, agricultural equipment, processing, packaging and transport – that tub of yoghurt I just hurled into the bin represents far more waste than the plastic container and some curdled milk. Sometimes it really doesn’t bear thinking about.

According to the website Homelife, Australian’s toss out 145kg of food per year, for every man, woman and child. OMG. (Hit the link to get the shocking details of what that's made up of...)

So in an attempt to avoid such wastage I do try, although I confess not with complete success,  to use what’s in the fridge; to love my left-overs.

We had a brunch one weekend that left cooked spinach, mushrooms and baked tomatoes (not surprisingly the eggs and bacon were all eaten!). I chopped them up, popped them in an oven proof dish, made a frittata base with eggs, milk, some mixed herbs, salt and pepper, topped it with cheese and baked in the dish, in a roasting pan with a couple of centimetres of water in it (it just cooks the egg mix more gently so it stays juicy and doesn’t go rubbery). I can only guess that it tasted okay as it disappeared before I got any.

Frittata a la left overs

Tonight I chopped up what cooked meat was in the fridge and fried it with left over veggies and rice. I added some frozen peas and made a two-egg omelette in the microwave to slice on the top. It might not have been the most amazing fried rice but it served a good purpose and was eaten.

Do you have any ways that you use up your leftovers? I’d love to hear your tips please.


Mother Who Works said...

Hmmmm. There are comments and I've added a disqus widget so you should be able to comment freely......

motherwhoworks said...

I know a few people are having trouble commenting - I've loaded disqus so hopefully that will help!

Blackerj122 said...

Frittata is a fav of mine and thanks for the tip about cooking for more juiciness. A pot of minestrone was my effort this week with vegies almost past their use by date and pepped up with can of toms and some parmesan. My Mum used to " batter" cold lamb for fritters - UGH

Deborah E Gilbert said...

Hi, I like making BOF vegetable slice - bottom of fridge vegetable slice. It's a variation of zucchini slice. If I have bacon around I throw that in too. Great for Xmas time with left over ham too. Just add half a cup of oil, 5 eggs and 1 cup of self raising flour and you have yourself a delicious BOF slice!

Motherwhoworks said...

A woman after my own heart! And a timely tip as I reckon Christmas is probably one of the worst times for food waste! Thanks Deborah! MWWx

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