Have you ever found yourself screaming at the kids to stop shouting?? Only to realise you are now shouting?
I had dinner on Friday night with some mums I’ve know for 16 years. We laughed so hard I came home with a sore stomach.
It was reassuring to know that one of them, Julie, has also screamed at her kids so hard her throat has sustained injury. I have gone to work on more than one occasion with a throat that feels like I’ve just swallowed razor blades – not from a savage bacterial infection, but from hysterically yelling at the kids that I’m fed up, have had enough, am at my wits end, etc, etc – you know how it goes. (Don’t you??)
I admit, it is not a lovely start to the day. I’ve also pointed this out to the inciters/victims of my yelling. Maybe if they got up earlier, got themselves more organized, just got going in the morning, we’d all have a better start to the day. It’s exhausting. I’ve even asked them for their suggestions on how to avoid the morning chaos, but to no avail. It’s all promises, but no follow through. And the next morning we’re back to me, standing on the nature-strip and screaming like a banshee “Which part of ‘get in the car’ are you not understanding???!!”
Lord knows what the neighbours think.
So how are the mornings at your place? A relaxed and calm routine of serenity? Give me your tips, please!
LOL! Yes, this has happens a lot at our house. "Stop the SHOUTING!"
These days, if they're not ready, I just walk out and have them chase me in tears. I'm waiting for the day when I deliver my 5 yo at childcare in his pyjamans... Hehehe!
LOL as well! Although now that mine are in high school and dependent on public transport to get to school, they have become MUCH better. It is the leaving of school bags and all other manner of crap all over the kitchen that raises my voice. Yesterday being thoroughly fed up with said crap I dumped a school bag, a dance bag, a soccer bag, another bag of who-knows-what and a pile of other girl stuff in the middle of my daughter's room and shut the door. I am slowly (very slowly and sometime regress!) learning to live with their rooms messy.....
Starting the day yelliing at my kids to get in the car so that they could go to before school care (which they hated) and I could get to work in a half reasonable time wasn't working. So I have a lovely uni student who pops in for an hour every morning. It is well worth the money, she picks up what needs to be done (dishes, hangs out washing). I then just walk out, calm and only late because I made myself so!
Thanks for the comments guys. Yes, BM, that would be a good option, but drop offs vary from this mornings 6.30 water polo to the bus for the oldest at 7.40 and me at work - when I get there.
I like Dorothy's suggestion! I've threatened that. I think it's time to get tough.
And Fashionista, I would love to close the door and let them all live in their own filth (socks under the bed, dirty undies sprinkled all over the floor) but I worry about disease!!!! MWWxx
Love it. Doing the grandchild run last week the 9 yr old had the cheek to report me to his mother - I was frustrating him with my yelling!!!! Boys are definitley in a different zone to everyone else in the morning from my observation. We did once have a child at school in pyjamas with mother at wits end! JB
Thank you MWW. I feel SO much better now knowing that I am not alone. My kids are constantly telling me to stop yelling!! Of course I WOULD if they would just pick up their dirty clothes, or dirty dishes, or tidy their bedrooms, or not leave their dirty clothes on the bathroom floor, or empty the dishwasher occasionally, or put out the rubbish, or do their homework......yep, sure. I can see the yelling will continue for many years yet.
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