Thursday 20 January 2011

The New School Year

It’s a big year for school in our household. The oldest is going into his final year of school, the youngest her first, and the one in the middle is starting high school. (I like to drag things out….)

So the biggest challenge is actual Prep – that first year of school. I hadn’t been to a Prep Information night in 13 years, so thought I’d best pop by in case anything has changed. It hasn’t. Usual collection of shy, first time parent, Dad’s in suits, sitting awkwardly on those tiny chairs and the mothers who’ve been at the school a while, using the forum to ask what they believe are the ‘pointy’ questions about the school’s approach to education with the added thrill of a captive audience. Can’t they just book a time with the principal??

Anyway, as you other mothers-who-work know, the starting schedule for school does NOT have us in mind. They kick off with little half-day sessions for the first two weeks and have Wednesdays off to ‘relax at home’. If anyone needs Wednesdays off to ‘relax at home’, it’s me.

I’m still unsure as to how that’s going to work, with work…  I’m contemplating bring her in and giving her a hot desk. She can help us if she’s got nothing else to do.

I used to bring our oldest daughter in when she started school. That was pretty funny as she rushed into a colleagues office where we were chatting work, whipped up her new school dress and announce “I’ve got a tampon in my undies!!” And indeed, she had popped one down the front of her pants. Lucky we all work on fem hygiene and thought it was hilarious!

So, what’s everyone else doing about those starting hours??


Anonymous said...

The joys of being a working parent! Fortunately for me they ran five half days by the time my youngest started school, and the aftercare program was available for people just like me. I don't think many schools give much thought to the minority of full time working mums sadly.

Mother Who Works said...

And she doesn't start until the 8th... what's with that?

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